next installment...from the Golden State
The end of the semester finally came and went. Giving final exams and exporting grades for 18 weeks was an interesting experience. I still can't believe that I'm a schoolteacher and that I've been doing this for an entire semester already. I went out and celebrated this momentous occasion with a 12 hour assault on my liver that left me with sleep deprivation and a wicked hangover to deal with during my travels. Note to self: 18 beers plus 2 hours of sleep is not a good way to prepare for a 5 hour flight to California. I made it safe and sound and I'm glad to report that I'm feeling much better. The Kid's alive and well. While the Kid's off playin soldier tomorrow, I'm heading to Salinas or Big Sur, depending on the weather. This is an incredible place to visit, I only wish I had more money/time to enjoy it. But I promise to do my damndest to squeeze every bit of glory out of this place while I'm here. Thursday we're off for the cross country trip of a lifetime with the hopes of making it back to Ga. for Xmas. The trip will include lots of delirious activities and the pictures to prove it. Until next time.
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