Sunday, February 25, 2007

I Got the Feelin'

This Tuesday, Vinnie and I will make our debut with the school jazz band at the school's Black History Program. There's something beautifully absurd about poofy-headed chalkie demon and a black man w/ a mohawk playing James Brown for High Schoolers. To use one of my favorite phrases, it will be glorious.
Stumbled across this Henry David Thoreau quote the other day at work, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
I feel like I'm marching to the beat of a renegade circus bear beating John Bonham's stolen floor tom in the back of a garbage truck that was abandoned sometime during the Reagan Administration. I'm slowly making sense of all of this, but I think that's all part of the process.

I've been fighting off a cold for the past few days and I think I've found the remedy, which is a 48 hour process:
1. Day One: As always, get a good night's sleep and drink plenty of OJ (not the "glove doesn't fit" OJ, the juice. Hold on...I think that was one of his nicknames too). Moving right along, Indian Food for lunch and Sushi for dinner. I'm telling you, the curry starts attacking the evil inside you and the wasabi comes along with the knockout punch.
2. Now here's the clincher. Day Two: Once again, plenty of rest and plenty of OJ (we've already been through this). Lounge around for awhile, reading, playing music, listening to music, whatever it is that you do to relax. Drink plenty of bourbon/beer that evening and end the night with some Chili Cheese fries and Cheese Krystals. The post-drinking/Krystal farts that inevitably occur the following morning will clear your sinuses right up.
DISCLAIMER: This method is not FDA-approved but is sure as hell beats the goat piss outta laying in bed all day sipping on chicken noodle soup.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Furry Durried

So...I played a show Friday night and managed to make an appearance at Furry Weekend Atlanta. For those of you unfamiliar with "The Furries" check out the following website for a full explanation on Furries and FWA.
The strangest ten minutes I've experienced in a long time.
But I did find one that matched my outfit.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Obama Nicole Smith

Yesterday's news headlines brought with it an exciting and wonderful tidbit of information on two levels: we now have another potential presidential candidate (whom I might add is a perfectly capable public speaker. A welcome change from our fearless leader.), which provided a welcomed respite from all of the hoopla regarding the death of a gold-digging former playmate. Death by Trim-Spa is tragic, but not worthy of a week's worth of news.

It's been a minute since my last post. Overworked and underpaid.
Quick Update.
Ran the door at Memmories New Year's Eve, which gave me the esteemed privilege of ringing in the New Year and doing the following (in no particular order): break up a girl fight between not two but three girls (one of the scariest moments of my life), pick a grown-ass man off the sidewalk in front of the bar b/c he thought it would be a lovely idea to rest his head on the pavement outside the front door, and I held some dude's mullet back while he puked all over the parking lot. Good times indeed. If this is some sort of sign for things to come than I'm in for an interesting 2007.

Show next week in Stockbridge and the CD release show is March 16th at the Ten High. Can't fuckin wait.

Last weekend proved to be an interesting adventure. I witnessed a naked black chick do things with a pearl necklace that I never thought possible at the Clermont. I also scored a copy of a publication that I nearly interviewed for. Glad I didn't. After viewing the publication I quickly realized that I would never be allowed to work with kids ever again with that on my resume.

Nothing too extravagant this weekend. Attempted to practice with the new band yesterday, but two of the five didn't show. I love working with professionals. Last night proved to be just another night of shananigans in Middle Ga. 80's night at the Hummingbird must happen more often. I found a Poison and a Milli Vanilli (sp? ahh...who the fuck cares) seven inch in the bar and it took every bit of self control to leave them where they lay.