Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13?! Indeed motherfucker!

What an experience. The conclusion of the first full week of school was an interesting extravaganza that can be summed up by two events that occured before school even started this morning. A fight (complete w/ a ridicolous post-bullshit talking melee that turned into a stampede that made me feel like I wasn't in fact watching a group of high school students but a band of fuckin idiots in spain trying to escape the wrath of an angry bull with his balls in a twist). Not ten minutes after that, one of my students from last semester proposed to me. Sweet baby jesus...I got nothin.

Monday, January 09, 2006

School's back in session

The holidays are over. They finished up last week but I've been too busy pouting. The holidays were a total fuckin blur(and not b/c of alcohol abuse...or atleast not entirely because of it). I had two weeks off but it seems like I was running around the entire time, but it was great nonetheless. The cross-country trek was fuckin fantastic, I will have plenty of pics and an entire write up on the adventure as soon as I get a spare minute. Xmas was a good as it can be(it all goes downhill when santa stops coming). I moved into a sweetass new apt. in downtown macon(whoop whoop muthafuckas) and the commute is much better now. School's going fine but I'm sure will be interesting. I have 32 sophomores(the maximum allowed student-teacher ratio) in both of my Literature classes. 60 something tenth graders in 3 hours every day. I deserve a medal...or a drink...or maybe both? Nothing else to report yet. My blogs will improve in content and frequency as soon as I get a grasp on this new semester.

School's back in session

The holidays are over. They finished up last week but I've been too busy pouting. The holidays were a total fuckin blur(and not b/c of alcohol abuse...or atleast not entirely because of it). The cross-country trek was fuckin fantastic, I will have plenty of pics and an entire write up on the adventure as soon as I get a spare minute. Xmas was a good as it can be(it all goes downhill when santa stops coming). I moved into a sweetass new apt. in downtown macon(whoop whoop muthafuckas) and the commute is much better now. School's going fine but I'm sure will be interesting. I have 32 sophomores(the maximum allowed student-teacher ratio) in both of my Literature classes. 60 something tenth graders in 3 hours every day. I deserve a medal...or a drink...or maybe both? Nothing else to report yet. My blogs will improve in content and frequency as soon as I get a grasp on this new semester.