Friday, May 12, 2006

I watched a "Homeland Security" RV run a red light and thought it strange.
Schools almost out. The literary magazine came back and is wowing audiences. Almost finished with my first year of teaching. Apparently developed an interest in expressing my thoughts in short, choppy sentences (dare I say fragments?). Except for the previous sentence, of course. and maybe that one. Planning on celebrating the day of my birth by playing a short set w/ the new band and buying some recording equipment. Sounds kewl and rocknroll--probably more lame and polka than I would like to admit. Do i need to mention my constantly growing hatred for the automobile and our dependence on said vehicles for everything? My car blew a head gasket a week and a half ago. Good news: it's fixable and I don't have to buy a new car. Bad news: I am forced to throw more money at a means of transportation that I loathe and despise on a number of levels. If I didn't have the need(yes, I said NEED) to get the hell out of dodge every so often I would have already brought the Huffy out of retirement and torched the fuckin car. and so it goes.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Countdown continues

Less than three full weeks before school's out. I would try to explain that in words but I don't think I'm capable of describing this feeling of anticipation and excitement. That's not to say that my job is killing me, everything school-wise is going fine at this point. I'm looking forward to collecting a paycheck for two months regardless of whether or not I do anything productive. It's like welfare w/o the guilt. No...fuck that. I earned every penny. The least the gov't can do is give me a break from attempting to educate the sugar-addled brains of their unwanted children for 180 days out of the year.
Cinco de Mayo proved to be an interesting adventure. Let's just say I woke up on May 6th in a living room full of toys w/ a mild hangover and still slightly under the influence. I decided to combat this feeling of a pounding headache brought on by an overconsumption of bottled euphoria and went to McDonald's rocking a sombrero and horribly bad breath. I'd like to think that I made my compadre's proud.