Monday, August 14, 2006


My school was on complete lockdown for the better part of three hours because a bank (that is located right down the street) was robbed during school hours. The suspect in question fled the scene of the crime in the general direction of the school. I thought it would have been far more exciting. I expected flashing lights, kids going crazy, maybe a fist fight or a food fight even. None of the above apply mon frere (that's right, I can speak in heathen tongue as well). Smooth sailing all the way. The kids behave better during lockdown, so I think it should be instituted as a requirement on testing days. Oh...and here's the fuckin kicker. The super scary badass bankrobber. You know the one. The muthafucka that interrupted the business of teaching and learning with his supreme badassness and complete disregard for obeying the law. Yeah...he fled the scene of the crime on a bicycle. I wonder if he kept the loot in a basket that hangs from his chrome handlebars as he rode off in the midday heat with a smokin hot bitch behind him on his blue sparkly banana seat? Can I get a God Damn?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

One week down the first week of school came and went with little to report. All's going well. It makes me a bit nervous, but I think it'll be alright. Spent a fun-filled weekend with Matthew, Forbes, and Flores in Augusta. I got to sing along to the Ramones with a slightly overweight and totally inebriated midget at a bar on Saturday night. "The KKK took my Baby Away" never be the same but life feel's more complete in some way. God bless the little people.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Two Bitches and a Spatula

I realize the Jersey update is a bit late, but I'm pretty sure I'll be late to my own funeral.
So my return to my roots was fantastic. I was given the opportunity to hang out with my cousins (they're growing up soo fast) and get hammered with my Uncle Bill the first night back. A heavy drinking session that lasted until 5 in the mornin was a fitting Welcome back to Jersey. I spent a few days in the Brigantine/Atlantic City area bumming around at the beach and hangin out with the family. Nothing too exciting, but it was just what the Dr. ordered after a whirlwind NYC trip. I did get to go back to the old stomping grounds in Millville. It was fucking surreal. The town was a dilapated post-industrial meltdown of a shithole the last time I was there, but now the downtown has been cleaned up and dubbed the "Glasstown Arts District." Quite a strange turn of events if you ask me, but I'll roll with it. I had the chance to go by the childhood home. It nearly burned to the ground a few years back and it doesn't look anything like the house I remember playing Atari and picking on Matthew in. It was fuckin sad. So it goes.
In other news, my wonderfully eventful sabbatical from teaching is nearing its end. I plan on enjoying "The IRA took my Baby Away" one last time at the local watering hole before school kicks in on Thursday. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing but I am looking forward to getting back into a routine. Maybe it will alleviate some of the debauchery. Maybe it will just cause more. Only time will tell.
Ohh...and last but certainly not least, Lie In Wait has just finished tracking all six songs for the debut EP. I'm gonna quit my job and go on tour. That's it. Two bitches and a spatula.