Thursday, November 09, 2006

Unexpected thank you from the community

Today started just like any other tuesday for the past year and a half. I slapped the shit out of my alarm clock, made some coffee, got a shower, ate my breakfast, put on some lame schoolteacher clothes and walked out the door. It was a beautiful Fall morning. That quintessential autumn wakeup call that delivers a crisp smell of cold and dying leaves. I remember being suprised by the fact that I was actually looking forward to working with my students on their essays today. As I walked off my front porch I realized that I was going to have a problem. I noticed that there was a white truck parked where my white honda had been the night before. At first I thought there was a bit of black magic involved, but then the coffee kicked in. A few unsavory individuals from the community had come forth to personally thank me for educating their unwanted children for the past year and a half by stealing my only mode of transportation. My goal today is to wander around the streets of Macon to try and find these thoughtful characters and personally thank them for such a generous gift.

Bitches and motherfuckin graham crackers.


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